WM800 - WR-DCM3 - Manual Release X & Z axsis from Hardware Limit Switches #10020

#10020 error code

1)        Select Manual mode

2)        Turn selector switch to correct position

3)        Enable axis(s)

4)        Power up the drive(s)

 a) With Open door press foot pedal to midpoint

 b)  With closed door and Reset pressed. (Foot pedal not required)

5)        Press Reset twice.

6)        Press Joystick in the direction you want to release.

 ie. Right (release from X- Limit switch)

Axis motor will move away from the Limit switch (Only allowed to move in direction away from limit switch). Once Hardware limit switch(es) is released, power off machine for a while and then switch it on again. Then do a normal homing.